Problem Gambling
Gambling is an activity where you stake something of value, like money or goods and services, on the outcome of a game involving chance. It can be done in a variety of ways, such as playing slot machines or placing bets on horse races or sporting events. The prizes can range from a small amount of cash to a life-changing jackpot. While gambling is often associated with casinos and racetracks, it also takes place at gas stations, restaurants, church halls and even on the Internet.
Whether you gamble at a casino, purchase lottery tickets or bet on a game of skill, you must be aware that it is not a profitable way to make money and that the odds are always against you. Before you start gambling, set a fixed amount of money that you are prepared to lose and stick to it. It is also important to remember that gambling is an entertainment expense, and not a way to make money.
Many people who gamble experience problems. These problems can have serious financial, physical and psychological effects. These problems can be short- or long-term and can affect you, your family, friends and the community. They can also be hard to recognize and seek help for.
Research suggests that some people may have a genetic predisposition to thrill-seeking behaviours and impulsivity. This is due to differences in brain regions involved in processing reward information, controlling impulses and weighing risk. In addition, some people are exposed to social and cultural influences that can influence their values and beliefs about gambling activities and what constitutes a problem.
Some people can develop a pathological gambling disorder (PG). PG is defined by persistent and recurrent maladaptive patterns of gambling behavior that are out of control. Symptoms of PG can include:
Experiencing feelings of distress or guilt when you lose money; lying to family members, therapists or employers about the extent of your involvement with gambling; jeopardizing or losing a job, educational or career opportunity or personal relationship because of gambling; stealing, forgery, fraud, embezzlement or other illegal activities to fund gambling; and relying on others to finance your gambling. PG can be treated with several different types of therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy.
People may develop a gambling problem for many reasons, including recreational interest, diminished mathematical skills, poor judgment, cognitive distortions and mental illness. In addition, some communities have a strong culture of gambling, which can make it difficult for people to recognize when they are in trouble. For example, some people in cultures where gambling is prevalent are hesitant to acknowledge their gambling problems because they may be perceived as having moral turpitude. The nomenclature used for describing gambling problems has evolved over time, reflecting the differing views of researchers, psychiatrists and other treatment care clinicians. This variation in perspectives has stimulated debate and controversy. The current terminology for describing gambling disorders is found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association.